All Bengals posses their own unique personality, but most Bengals will be very interactive and social, and they will carry on a conversation with you when you, and your Bengal, are in the mood. Bengals also like to play with other cats, dogs, and humans, love to explore, and many Bengals also love to play in water.
Domestic Bengals are specifically bred for a friendly and social temperament and are not prone to be aggressive or attack. If anything Bengals may exhibit shyness or be a little standoffish, much like their wild counterpart the Asian Leopard Cat.
Bengals are medium to large cats, with male Bengals ranging from 10-18 pounds on average, while females are smaller at 7-12 pounds on average.
A Bengal cat is considered a domestic cat because it is a fourth generation or beyond from breeding with an Asian Leopard cat. Generations one through three are considered Foundation Cat’s and are not considered Bengals. Bengals are breed to posses all the qualities/traits you come to expect from a domestic cat (loving personality and temperament), while Foundation Cat’s usually display qualities/traits that typically do not make for good pets (shy, nervous, will not use a litter box, etc.).
Yes, but keep in mind that whenever adding a new pet to any environment you must take into consideration the disposition and behaviors of other pets and/or children in the home. As with all pets, Bengals will be a product of their environment. A home with other cats, dogs, or children should not present any problems for your Bengal, provided you slowly introduce your kitten to its new home (i.e. having its own room, litter pan, food, water, and toys upon arrival until adjusting). A slow introduction will help create a loving and accepting environment for your new pet.
Bengals are like other domestic cats in that they can be fed dry, soft-moist, or canned food. You should always read pet food labels to ensure you are selecting a quality cat food to meet all your cat’s nutritional requirements and it is a good idea to consult your local veterinarian on recommendations he or she may have for your Bengal depending on the age and/or health of your pet.
Protein is an important nutrient for all cats, particularly for the growing needs of kittens. Cats are carnivores so they need protein and a common recommendation for kittens is a diet that is at least 30% protein. Always read pet food labels to ensure you are selecting a quality cat food to meet all your cat’s nutritional requirements.
Bengals do not require any special care that should be afforded to any domestic cat. Creating a loving environment for your Bengal will be rewarded with a very loving and social companion for years to come.
Bengals have the same health concerns and issues as domestic cats. Proper nutrition and veterinarian care will help ensure your Bengal is healthy and happy.
No. Bengal dietary and veterinary requirements are no different than any other breed of domestic cat, but be sure to take your new Bengal to your veterinarian upon arrival home and follow any recommendations provided by your vet.
No. Bengal owners should follow their veterinarian’s advice on appropriate vaccinations for their pets. While most cat owners may not understand all the vaccines your cat should have, a good veterinarian will help educate you on what vaccinations and treatments are important for the health and wellbeing of your pet. Regular check-ups for your Bengal at your veterinarian should take place.
Cats that are strictly indoors can still contract fleas, heart worms, or other diseases normally associate with outside pets. Always consult your veterinarian for advice on treating your pet and before administering any kind of medications and/or treatments.
Show quality Bengals display championship characteristics, and are considered the highest quality of Bengal cat. Championship characteristics for all breeds of cat are defined by TICA.
Breed quality Bengals display some championship characteristics, but usually not enough to qualify as a show cat, but exhibit characteristics that are important for breeding (temperament, color variation, or very distinct markings, or good instinct in females for raising kittens).
Pet quality Bengals are not show quality, but are bred to exhibit characteristics (good disposition, temperament, and healthy) that will make them great pets in a home of cat enthusiasts after being spayed or neutered.
Before purchasing a Bengal for yourself, don’t be afraid to ask questions, talk to different breeders, surf various Bengal web sites on the internet, ask for references, and view as many kittens as you can. Reputable breeders will belong to domestic cat associations and breed clubs and will be working toward a common goal of perfecting the Bengal breed, not in the business of mass breeding to sell kittens to just anyone.
A reputable breeder should always be willing to answer any of your questions (there are no dumb questions, so don’t hesitate) and a good breeder will also want assurances from you that you will provide a loving home to your new Bengal, so be prepared to answer some questions about yourself and your ability to provide a quality home to a new Bengal.
Bengal prices depends on many factors, such as the quality of breed (show, breed, and pet). A pet quality Bengal can range in price from anywhere to $2,000 up to $5,000, with breed and show quality Bengals ranging anywhere from $3,000 to over $6,500. Reputable breeders work very hard at providing healthy kittens and exceptional blood lines, and all of these costs add up very quickly once you factor in food, housing, vaccinations, and day-to-day care.
The earliest we allow our kittens to leave is 12 weeks. We do this for several reasons, all of which are not only in the kitten’s best interest, but also future owner(s). Kittens need time to wean themselves on their own, acquire good litter box habits, develop a strong enough immune system, and establish proper social habits with other cats and humans. By the time a kitten reaches 12 weeks, all of the above should have taken place and your new kitten will be able to adjust the initial stress of a new home with little or no difficulty.
Clumping litter can be dangerous for cats, especially kittens, as they can ingest it and a clump could form in their intestines and kill them, so instead use some type of clay litter or recycled paper based litter.
Yes. Most domestic cat registries do recognize the Bengal breed. In North America, Bengal’s have championship breed status in TICA, ACFA, UFO, TCA, ICE, and CCA.